Antonino Tucci Archaeologist

Antonino Tucci

Director and Senior Archaeologist


M: 0498 002 270


Qualifications and Memberships

Bachelor of Social Science Majoring in History and Archaeology, James Cook University, Townsville

Honours in Archaeology BSoSc. (Class 2A), James Cook University, Townsville

Current Queensland driving license


 Professional Associations and Positions

  • Member, Australian Archaeological Association Inc.
  • James Cook University Alumni


Current Coal Board Medical

Remote Pilot License (drone)

RACQ 4WD certificate

Current First Aid certificate

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland Construction Induction

  • RIIGOV201D: Comply with site work processes/procedures
    RIIWHS201D: Work safely and follow workplace health and safety policies and procedure
    RIIRIS201D: Conduct local risk control
    RIICOM201D: Communicate in the workplace
    RIIERR205D: Apply initial response First Aid
    RIIERR302E: Respond to local emergencies and incidents

Industry Safety Induction (ISI)


Tucci, A. 2012. Uncovering an Ancient Occupation: A Study of social organisation at the Khanong Iron Age copper mining site located at Sepon Laos. Unpublished Bachelor of Social Science (Hons.) thesis, Department Humanities, James Cook University, Townsville.

Tucci, A., Sayavongkhamdy T., Chang, N., Souksavatdy, V. 2014. Ancient Copper Mining in Laos: Heterarchies, Incipient States or Post-State Anarchists? Journal of Anthropology and Archaeology 2: 1-15.

Career Path

2021 A Director of Turnstone Archaeology
2013 Graduation from James Cook University, BSoSc (Honours)
2014 Intern at Dugalunji Aboriginal Corporation, Camooweal through the Aurora Internship Program (30 June – 8 August)
2014 Cultural Heritage Officer at Dugalunji Aboriginal Corporation overseeing and coordinating cultural heritage programs for representatives of the Indjalandji-Dhidhanu Native Title Group (August-November)
2015-2017 Assistant Archaeologist, Turnstone Archaeology
2018-2019 Associate Archaeologist, Turnstone Archaeology

Expertise in Indigenous Australian Archaeology

  • Landscape archaeology
  • Predictive modelling
  • Site surveys
  • Site recording and reporting
  • Excavation
  • Ethno-botany
  • Development of keeping and special places
  • Development of best practice workshops
  • Management of site database

Historical Heritage

  • Heritage surveys
  • Site recording

Specialist Fields

  • Landscape archaeology
  • Archaeology of Mining
  • Predictive modelling
  • Development of keeping and special places
  • Development of best practice workshops
  • Licensed drone operator

Antonino Tucci has been a professional archaeologist for over five years with a Bachelor of Social Science majoring in Archaeology and History with Honours in Archaeology. Antonino has worked with Turnstone Archaeology since 2015 and has worked closely with Aboriginal communities and developers on many cultural heritage projects over the years including highways, mine development projects, pipelines and urban infrastructure. His current research interest is in developing a relational Heurist database with the University of Sydney that can provide Traditional Owners with a secure and culturally appropriate place to store cultural data.

Turnstone Archaeology has a strong commitment to ethical involvement and best practice in archaeological research and fieldwork, especially in accepting that Aboriginal people have the right to choose their archaeologist. In 2019 Turnstone Archaeology was appointed cultural heritage adviser to Qld Urban Utilities.

Antonino also has a major interest in Southeast Asian archaeology, particularly in ancient mining techniques in Bronze and Iron Age Laos. In 2012 and 2013 Antonino participated in two major emergency archaeological excavations located in a modern copper mine in Laos. In 2014 a paper he co-authored on the Laos excavations was successfully published in the Journal of Anthropology and Archaeology. In 2014 Antonino presented a poster on the project at the Annual Australian Archaeology Association Conference in Cairns, Queensland. Antonino has travelled extensively through Europe, China and North America visiting many museums and archaeological sites.

Nominated Projects

QGC Orana Brine Pipeline 2020

Cultural heritage adviser to the BCJWY Cultural Heritage Coordinating Committee for the QGC Orana Brine Pipeline Project, for QGC/Shell, to undertake cultural survey, mitigation and reporting.

Widi People 2019-2021

Cultural heritage adviser to the Widi People of the Nebo Estate for the Hail Creek Eastern Margin Project, for Glencore, to undertake cultural survey, mitigation and reporting.

BKY People 2019-2021

Cultural heritage adviser to the BKY People for various ongoing coal and alternative energy projects.

Mon Repos SSI Stone Wall 2018

Heritage Assessment, monitoring and excavation of South Sea Islander Stone Wall, Mon Repos for Bundaberg Regional Council Mon Repos, Bundaberg Region, Central Queensland. 

Shute Harbour Marina Trench 2018

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage assessment and consultation of Lot 23/SP208207 for inclusion in CHMP for Shute Harbour Marine Development Project Shute Harbour, Whitsunday Region, Central Queensland.

Kholo Bridge Reserve 2018

Inspection of a potential Aboriginal cultural heritage site at Kholo bridge reserve for Ipswich City Council, Muirlea, Ipswich, Southeast Queensland. 

Wandoan Solar 2018

Cultural heritage Survey of a proposed solar energy plant at Woleebee, Wandoan for the Yiman People.

Bromelton Sewerage Treatment Plant 2017

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Survey and Assessment for the Bromelton Sewage Treatment Plant, Beaudesert-Boonah Road, South East Queensland for Mununjali and Yugarapul People, on behalf of Queensland Urban Utilities.

Acland New Hope Mine 2017

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Survey for Acland New Hope Mine Stage Three on behalf of the Western Wakka Wakka People (Beattie Family).

APA Gas Pipe Main 2017

Survey and Mitigation for Jagera Daran of a 7 km gas pipeline at Flagstone and Greenbank.

Harmony Glades Residential Development 2016

Aboriginal cultural heritage survey and mitigation of the Harmony Glades Essence Estate development, Gowrie Junction Road, West Toowoomba for the Western Wakka Wakka People (Beattie family).

Bromelton Water Pipeline 2016

Survey and major excavation program for the Mununjali People. The project located three huge artefact concentrations as a result of sub surface excavation that produced over 4500 artefacts.

Beaudesert Town Centre Bypass 2015-2016

Survey and excavation of six test pits on the proposed Beaudesert Bypass for the Mununjali People. Excavations produced hundreds of artefacts, including backed blades and microliths. A number of historical artefacts associated with the lost Beaudesert Homestead of 1855 were also recovered including a rare clay tobacco pipe, tokens, buckles and lead musket balls.

Toowoomba Second Range Crossing 2015-2016

Assistant Archaeologist to Turnstone Archaeology for Queensland’s largest road project for the Western Wakka Wakka (Beattie family) and Jagera Daran. The study recorded 133 new sites, including a bora ground complex, and excavated 23 test pits, recovering a large number of Aboriginal stone tools and a fireplace containing the bones of koala, possum and macropods.